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A Bit Like Jesus - Humility between faiths
A Bit Like Jesus - Humility between faiths
by SPCK - Robin Gill
WEEK 6 Humility Humility between faiths From there he set out and went away to the region of Tyre. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know he was there. Yet he could not escape notice, but a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit immediately heard about him,…
Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - Another Gentile Healed
Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - Another Gentile Healed
by BRF - Dick France
Another Gentile Healed The previous story focused on the question of Jesus’ mission to Gentiles as well as Jews. Now we see him continuing in Gentile territory: Sidon, like Tyre, was Phoenician, and Decapolis was the Greek-dominated area to the east of the lake of Galilee (see on…
Great Christian Thinkers - 19 St. Ambrose of Milan
Great Christian Thinkers - 19 St. Ambrose of Milan
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Ambrose of Milan Holy Bishop Ambrose, about whom I now speak to you, died in Milan in the night between 3 and 4 April 397. It was dawn on Holy Saturday. The day before, at about five o’clock in the afternoon, he had settled down to pray, lying on his bed with his arms wide op…
Reflection: Are You the One?
Reflection: Are You the One?
by Isabel Smears
REFLECTION FOR ADVENT 3 YEAR A John the Baptist reflects while in prison. 'Are you the One?' he wants to ask Jesus Are You the One? John the Baptist asked, ‘Are you the One? Are you the One who was to come? Or should we be looking for someone else?’ I thought I knew; When he came…
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 10 Year A
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Proper 10 Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
Twelve Months of Sundays – Year A Ordinary Time Proper 10 Genesis 25.19–34 Romans 8.1–11 Matthew 13.1–9, 18–23 The next chapter of Genesis offers a striking echo to this parable: Isaac sowed seed, and reaped a hundredfold, for the Lord blessed him(26.12). But the key background, …
The Post Evangelical - 8 Is the Bible the word of God?
The Post Evangelical - 8 Is the Bible the word of God?
by SPCK - Dave Tomlinson
8 Is the Bible the word of God? Our purpose here is straightforward: what is a post-evangelical view of the Bible? I think it is fair to say that post-evangelicals have mixed feelings on the subject. They have an underlying respect for the Bible, and in my experience they are kee…
Hymn: When Jesus walked in Galilee
Hymn: When Jesus walked in Galilee
by Michael Docker
When Jesus walked in Galilee The people gathered round To hear him speak of God's own love And marvel at the sound; And marvel at the sound of God Like music all around; When Jesus walked in Galilee The people gathered round When Jesus died on Calvary His followers ran away; The …
Times and Seasons - Confusion